
to feel Santa Barbara

Recently I received e-mail from my English teacher in Santa Barbara,
for me she is kind like my mother of US.
During my staying in US, she gave me lots of hugs when I missed
my friends and family in Japan.
She didn't only give me hugs but also teaching me the enjoyment of
talking in English.
She is very fabulous teacher and mother in US for me.

Back to her e-mail, she told me this season of Santa Barbara,
fruits and vegetables.
It's not difficult to imagine it, and I remembered to visit
the farmers market in State Street very much to get seasonal flowers,
vegetables and fruits.

Her e-mail stimulated me to feel Santa Babara, so I made my decision
to open the SB wine and enjoy it.
It's not easy to get the wines of SB, but I brought some wines of
Black Jack (Solvang) back to Japan for souvenir or for myself.

Although I worried if I could enjoy the same flavor as I used to taste it
during my staying in SB because of the difference of climate
between California and Japan, it was totally same!

I would hesitate to open the last SB wine the reason why there is
just a bottle in my fridge.
However I can visit SB in my vacation when I want to feel it!!